8 Spring Cleaning Tips That Are Good for the Earth

We are really enjoying these first days of Spring.  I took this photo the other day on one of our walks. I just love the beautiful shade of purple.


We set alarms throughout the day to get up and take short walks and do a few stretches. It’s been amazing to see the daily changes in the trees and flowers.


And, as we all now with the coming of Spring it’s a popular time to get your life into shape. And we’re not just talking about your physical one.


Why not use this as an opportunity to make positive changes to your home and your life?.  You can organize, clean, and bring a happy and peaceful feeling to yourself once you’re finished.


Take earth friendly, and human friendly steps to do what’s best for the planet and your health while you’re cleaning.


Here are some of our favorite tips to Go Green while spring cleaning:


Use green cleaning products

Your first step should be to use green cleaning products instead of traditional products that contain harsh chemicals. “Green” products are better for your health as well as the environment because they’re non-toxic and are generally made from renewable resources.


I was stunned when I first found out about how toxic traditional cleaning products were for our health.  I literally filled two large hefty trash bags of product from Rob’s apartment and mine!  What is crazy is that we now have 2 just items – Vinegar and Baking Soda (see below!)


Make your own cleaning products

You don’t even need to purchase “green” specific cleaning products. You can clean just as well using homemade cleaning solutions made from baking soda and vinegar. They’re known as the ultimate all-purpose cleaners and can clean nearly any surface.


Air out your home

One of the easiest and best ways to bring a natural and clean feeling to your home is to simply air it out. This will allow those stagnant and trapped toxins to flow out the window and  rejuvenate your home in a completely natural way. The best part: All you need to do is open the window!


Keeping your air fresh

Do you use air fresheners to keep your house smelling nice? Did you know that many of them are actually toxic?


Rather than buying ready-made fresheners, you can go with something completely natural, instead. Herbs and plants give off pleasant odors. You can even consider baking more often to bring some nice scents into the home.


Use green cleaning services

If you don’t have the time or the desire to complete your cleaning on your own, especially the deeper cleaning that’s usually associated with spring cleaning, then outsource!


Shop your local area for people advertising green cleaning services; it’ll take the work out of green cleaning for you and you know you’ll be doing the best thing for your home and family.


Prevent unnecessary dirt

You can also use spring cleaning time to bring about some new home rules created with prevention, instead of clean-up, in mind.


Start with the floors and all the dirty, toxic materials that get brought in on your shoes. Simply start a “no shoes indoors” policy and your house will stay cleaner in the first place. We have a shoe rack in the hall closet right when we walk in the house, shoes come off and they never go into our home environment.

Air-dry your laundry

During spring cleaning, you might be taking the time to wash many larger items like blankets and comforters. Find a clothes line and air dry these if possible.



Cleaning your furniture

You can make your own wood cleaners and polish with healthy, natural ingredients. Use a combination of olive oil and lemon juice to clean and polish your wood furniture. This cleaner produces a shiny and pleasant smelling finish.


Going green with your spring cleaning is a great idea. You’re helping the planet, exposing yourself to fewer chemicals, decreasing some internal systemic stress, and saving money at the same time. Oftentimes, it’s just best to go natural. Follow these tips to help you go green while you clean!


Dedicated to your health and wellness,